Good Friday | History, Images, Quotes and all you need to know.

*Meaning     Good Friday is a Christian holiday that is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday. It is the day on which Christians commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ, who is considered by them to be the Son of God. The term "good" in Good Friday may come from the phrase "God's Friday," or it may simply mean "holy." *Why is it called good Friday?        There are different theories about the origin of the term "Good Friday," but one commonly accepted explanation is that "good" means "holy" or "pious" in this context. Therefore, Good Friday is the day on which Christians remember the holy sacrifice made by Jesus Christ when he was crucified and died for the forgiveness of sins. Despite the sorrow and suffering that Jesus endured on this day, it is considered "good" because it led to the ultimate triumph of his resurrection on Easter Sunday. *History Of Good Friday.          Good Fri

Ramadan Mubarak 2021, it's history, wishes, fasting rules and facts.

 Ramadan is the holy month of fasting and worship. From dawn to sunset, Muslims around the world abstain from eating and drinking. Many observe a ‘Ramadan fast’ by abstaining from animal products (meats, dairy, or alcohol) and then practicing patience, seeking God in prayer. During the holy month of Ramadan, believers turn to God and pray, seeking to enhance their faith and spirituality.

Ramadan Mubarak 2021, it's history, wishes, fasting rules and facts.

Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam and is a must for every Muslim to practice. Everyone should pray five times a day throughout the holy month, as well as consume extra food before dawn and sleep early in the morning before sun rise. Although Ramadan lasts for about 30 days, there are specific prayers to be said as if the holy month lasts for a year.

The entire month of Ramadan is devoted to prayer, and believers recite the Quran (ancient holy book of the religion of Islam) five times daily. It is important that believers stay physically active during Ramadan. Although fasting is a healthy activity for everyone, Muslims may not consume any additional food after sunset.

If one is physically weak, they should pray and pray to maintain their strength and pray for those who are spiritually weak and pray for people who are sick and pray for those who are in trouble and pray for those who are without religion.

Through prayers and the love of God, God will guide one’s life and one’s actions and words and will help overcome any obstacles and help one to grow spiritually and emotionally.

Although fasting is not mentioned in the Qur’an, it is often practiced by Muslims in countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq. In other Muslim countries, however, believers often sit at the mosques and eat at the tables of fellow believers. In Egypt, Pakistan, and India, families often send their children to stay at the homes of their relatives in order to pray and fast for the rest of the holy month.

Fasting will usually conclude with a prayer on the final day of the holy month. It is important that one should make every effort to finish their fast on the night of the final prayer, otherwise, the fast will not end and fasting will remain in effect for an additional week or more.

The prophet Muhammad is said to have fasted for 40 days during Ramadan. Most Muslims strive to fast during the month of Ramadan as well. Although fasting does not necessarily bring one closer to God, it is an important religious practice and one that all believers should partake in as often as they are physically capable.

Fasting is beneficial for physically and mentally, and it will help to strengthen one’s faith in God and strengthen one’s spirit. It is essential for the mind to rest for a short time, pray for a long time, and go to sleep when one feels tired. Fasting brings one closer to the heart of God and makes the believer much closer to God and appreciates God’s love and mercy in their life.

This Ramadan, take a step closer to God. Begin praying during Ramadan for those in need and help someone else who is not spiritually strong. As you pray and fast, remember to give God the praise for the love that you receive from him and those who pray for you, and be grateful to God for the good.

Ramadan 2021

During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims worldwide will be going to the mosques and praying for an additional five times. In Egypt and Pakistan, families often send their children to stay at the homes of their relatives to pray and fast for the rest of the holy month of Ramadan. It is important that believers do not overspend during this holy month of fasting.

Muslims should make a meal and take some snacks to their mosques to offer to others. It is also important to exercise during Ramadan and to pray and fast at the mosques. Do not pray when you are already tired, because it will make it much more difficult for you to complete your prayers and fasting. Those who have problems with headaches during the holy month should make it a point to pray, fast, and then take a nap in the middle of the day. If one is physically weak, they should pray and pray to maintain their strength and pray for those who are spiritually weak and pray for people who are sick and pray for those who are without religion. Through prayers and the love of God, God will guide one’s life and one’s actions and words and will help overcome any obstacles and help one to grow spiritually and emotionally.

Through prayers and the love of God, God will guide one’s life and one’s actions and words and will help overcome any obstacles and help one to grow spiritually and emotionally.

Despite fasting and praying for an extra five times throughout the holy month, Muslims must remember to make their prayers during the day as well. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims pray the morning prayer, morning prayer of the third watch, noon prayer, evening prayer, and their last prayer of the day. One should also offer the farewell prayer before going to sleep each night. The greatest blessing that one can receive from God during the holy month of Ramadan is that God gives him guidance and has mercy on his believers.

Although Ramadan is a Muslim holy month, it is celebrated by all faiths and religions. A holy book called the Quran states that God commands all believers to pray for each other and pray for the rest of the world and those who are struggling and those who are spiritually weak. During Ramadan, Muslims are given this blessing by God and can ask God for forgiveness for their past sins and remember to forgive those who have wronged them. Muslims can also ask God to give them patience and ask for the abundance of faith in their hearts and help them overcome their difficulties and pray for those who are spiritually weak. It is important to always pray and have faith in God.

Ramadan is a time when believers strengthen their faith and take a step closer to God and feel closer to God. They should always strengthen their faith and pray and pray for forgiveness and help others in their life. Through prayer and the love of God, God will give the believers strength and prayer makes the heart feel a bit closer to God.

Ramadan Mubarak 2021, it's history, wishes, fasting rules and facts.

Ramadan Mubarak,

May God’s blessings and guidance be with you all.

On the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims must make it a point to pray and fast at the mosques during Ramadan. A person must also make it a point to have the evening prayer of the third watch to keep the souls of the believers close to God.

Ramadan 2021

May God’s blessings and guidance be with you all.

The holy month of Ramadan ends on the tenth day and if one is physically weak, they should pray for the strength to wake up and pray during the day and pray for the other believers during the morning prayer of the fourth watch. If one is spiritually weak, they should pray and pray to maintain their strength and pray for those who are spiritually weak and pray for people who are sick and pray for those who are without religion. Through prayers and the love of God, God will guide one’s life and one’s actions and words and will help overcome any obstacles and help one to grow spiritually and emotionally.

Ramadan 2021

May God’s blessings and guidance be with you all.

The prayer is a way to strengthen the faith and faith helps to grow one’s faith and increase the patience and understanding of one’s faith.

Ramadan 2021

May God’s blessings and guidance be with you all.

After fasting and praying throughout the holy month, it is important to eat before taking a nap in the middle of the day. During Ramadan, if one is physically weak, they must eat their meals in the morning and pray their prayers during the third watch. They should then take a nap in the middle of the day and keep their minds and bodies busy.

Ramadan 2021

May God’s blessings and guidance be with you all.

After praying, fasting and spending the day in the mosque praying and fasting, the person must enjoy the food and drinks that God has blessed them with. Ramadan is a very happy and special time and one must make it a point to feel happy and healthy during Ramadan.

Ramadan 2021

May God’s blessings and guidance be with you all.

Remembering God

Ramadan helps to keep one’s focus on God and increase their patience and strengthen their faith.

One should pray throughout Ramadan and try to pray three prayers a day. One should pray the morning prayer, afternoon prayer and the last prayer of the day. One should pray for their families and friends and people who are struggling and people who have been suffering. One should pray for peace, kindness, love and hope. One should pray for those who are spiritually weak and pray for people who are spiritually weak, pray for Muslims who are far away from God and pray for those who are spiritually weak and pray for those who are spiritually weak and pray for God’s help to overcome all obstacles in their life.

Ramadan 2021

May God’s blessings and guidance be with you all.

God forgives everyone who feels hurt, needs forgiveness and wants to be forgiven.

Muslims can ask God for forgiveness to God on the holy days and prayers and ask for the abundance of faith in their hearts and ask for the abundance of faith in their hearts and help them overcome their difficulties and struggles.

Ramadan History, Religious Significance

Ramadan is the month in which the holy Quran was written, and is a month of worship, fasting and prayer. It is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is the longest month of the year, with many days of prayer and worship. The prophet Muhammad referred to it as a month of sacred months, when he was showing his blessings and guidance to the believers.

According to Islamic tradition, the month begins on the first of the ninth month and ends on the first of the tenth month of the Islamic calendar. It is the month of celebration of the major religious festival known as Eid al-Fitr. The month of Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. The ninth month in the Islamic calendar is known as Ramazan.

In many parts of the Muslim world, Ramadan is known as Hijri year 41 (or 41 AH). The Hijri is an Islamic year and it is always a calendar year. Every year is a different date for a new Hijri year. It is based on a recurring lunar cycle. Hijri year 41 was in January 1980. In this year, Ramadan took place in the second week of September. The Islamic calendar is based on astronomical calculations and is lunar and lunar years are not considered to be very important or sacred. The Islamic year is an intercalary year and it is similar to the Gregorian calendar and includes 61 months.

The month of Ramadan begins and ends with the second new moon of the month. Each new moon is considered a holy day. However, the new moon of Ramadan in this year occurred on the 10th of July. The first new moon of this year is called Sharam and is considered a holy day for Muslims.

There are certain laws and rules for Ramadan that are for each individual and family. Every Muslim must fast and pray throughout Ramadan. Each family is responsible to make sure that their fasting days and prayers are made up on the days they are absent from fasting. When they are fasting for two consecutive days they must fast one day from drinking juices and water and fast for three days. However, a person can fast throughout the entire month of Ramadan and can have more than three days without eating.

Traditionally, Muslims are encouraged to fast until midnight or sunset during Ramadan. As part of their daily prayer, they pray five times a day. The fasting periods are considered holy and special days and it is believed that during this time, the prayers are able to reach the angels, pray God for the help and forgiveness and forgive others who have hurt the heart of a Muslim and prayed for God’s help to overcome all obstacles in their life.

Ramadan Celebrations and Traditions

Ramadan is an exceptional time of religious celebration. Muslims prepare for the holy month by taking special steps to prepare their homes. They clean their homes, set up prayer rooms, build rooms into their homes and make arrangements for fasting and prayer.

On Ramadan nights, Muslims start to prepare for the fasting by lighting lanterns. At sunset, they pray and make their way to their house and pray at the mosques. After prayers they take their time to eat their evening meal. They pray for Ramadan to be a blessed month and for it to end successfully. They pray and ask for forgiveness for all the sins committed during the previous days of Ramadan. Then they read the holy Quran to take all the blessings for this holy month and keep their intention on the purpose for which they fasted. They read out the prayers and stories that they had learned during Ramadan.

Many Muslims start to read the Koran and memorize the passages of the holy book on the first day of Ramadan.

Ramadan is the holiest and longest month of the Muslim calendar. It is the month when the holiest of Islamic festivals are celebrated. It is known as the month of sacrifice and charity, which ends with the celebration of Eid al-Fitr. It is the month where people sacrifice something they have or give something away in their life to the poor or needy people. They pray for the forgiveness of their sins and ask for help to overcome all of their challenges. During Ramadan Muslims are allowed to perform extra prayers.

It is a great opportunity for Muslims to make something special and special for themselves. They usually do this by inviting some of their close friends and sharing a drink together and staying up late. They watch the story about the prophet Muhammad and listen to his lessons. Then they invite their friends and family to join them.

The fasting and prayers throughout Ramadan are necessary to overcome any obstacles or difficulties that the people have to face. People do this in order to stay safe and protect themselves from harm. They pray for those who are in desperate situations and they pray for the safety.

Ramadan fasting rules, rules and traditions

The rules that Muslims follow during the fasting and prayer during the month of Ramadan are, for example, the fact that Muslims must fast until sunset. However, it is believed that praying during the early evening makes it easier for the prayer to be heard. Muslims also pray on the day of fasting for up to three consecutive nights. And they pray for forgiveness for their sins. It is believed that when a Muslim fasts during the month of Ramadan he forgets and forgives those who have hurt his heart.

The fasting rules vary from country to country. In some countries, it is normal to fast in the morning for three days. However, in some countries, the fasting rules change depending on the holy month. For example, if Ramadan starts on the tenth of the Islamic lunar month, the fasting rules are changed to the 10th day. So Muslims choose the first day to fast on to fast and pray for the first three days. During Ramadan, people cannot eat or drink at any time and can only eat and drink at night. The fasting rules differ for males and females. The fasting rule for men is four consecutive days. For women, it is three consecutive days and four nights. After the last night of the fasting, it is important to stay hydrated by drinking water. Women do not need to fast until noon during Ramadan because there is not much food required for the whole fast. However, if Muslims choose to stay up late and it is very hot, they may prefer to stay up late and fast as much as they can.

Ramadan Mubarak 2021, it's history, wishes, fasting rules and facts.


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