Good Friday | History, Images, Quotes and all you need to know.

*Meaning     Good Friday is a Christian holiday that is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday. It is the day on which Christians commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ, who is considered by them to be the Son of God. The term "good" in Good Friday may come from the phrase "God's Friday," or it may simply mean "holy." *Why is it called good Friday?        There are different theories about the origin of the term "Good Friday," but one commonly accepted explanation is that "good" means "holy" or "pious" in this context. Therefore, Good Friday is the day on which Christians remember the holy sacrifice made by Jesus Christ when he was crucified and died for the forgiveness of sins. Despite the sorrow and suffering that Jesus endured on this day, it is considered "good" because it led to the ultimate triumph of his resurrection on Easter Sunday. *History Of Good Friday.          Good Fri

Independence Day in India 2021,when, it's history, Images, Quotes, Facts and Celebration.

 Independence Day In India

Independence Day in India 2021,when, it's history, Images, Quotes, Facts and Celebration.

Later, we find an image of Gandhi’s initial response to the violence that broke out in Calcutta in Calcutta in 1920. “As I read this newspaper this morning,” Gandhi wrote in his letter to Prabhoo Jamati Prabhoo (Lal Bahadur Shastri), the father of the Indian Independence Movement, “I cannot believe that the future of India is to be run by barbarians. I believe in peace, freedom, justice and equality. In such circumstances, I have no faith in independence. I feel it would be more foolish and unwise for me and you to throw away our own traditions to accustom ourselves to the conduct of untrammeled kings. So, we should not flatter ourselves by thinking that we will be independent as a people, politically, economically, and culturally, after the attainment of independence. We will not be independent in the sense that we can give ourselves free choice in our personal affairs. On the other hand, we will not be independent in the sense that we will find it easier to follow traditions. The day our independence is achieved, I will also want to live free from fear. This country belongs to the people of India; and the people must be permitted to live their lives free from fear. Independence is not an aim; it is an instrument. We must use it wisely and courageously and carefully. Only it can save our independence; the true independence is to free ourselves from foreign domination and from other forms of oppression.”

History of Independence Day in India

The first official celebration of India’s independence came after independence was proclaimed by Lord Mountbatten in the Raj to the Chief Minister of Bengal, Biju Patnaik. Governor-General Lord Erskine also gave the address of the first Indian Independence Day in 1946. The British did not stop celebrating India’s independence as a holiday, but the British, who did not want the Indians to feel that they were truly independent, introduced Independence Day to the Indian Calendar at a later date. The British believed that Indians would lose their patriotism and dignity and be seduced by the embrace of freedom, so they set Independence Day for August 15. And so it became Independence Day in India. The year India became independent was 1948. The actual date of India’s independence is August 15, 1947. After Independence, many changes occurred. India became a republic and renamed its national holidays. India became independent with the blessings of the British and was never colonized. The Indian Independence Movement started in 1765 with the self-education campaign of Shah Nawaz Khan. The first violent struggle for Indian Independence started in Calcutta in 1793. Independence is certainly one of the greatest achievements of our nation and we should celebrate it to the highest extent possible.

Independence Day in India: Celebrating Different Cultures

The day is also celebrated in many parts of India, including the areas where Indian cultures are represented and celebrated. Indians in the southern states celebrate India’s Independence Day with a festive song sung by many people during the morning and evening. Most of the time, there is also a display of patriotism with a parade and other celebrations. Some people go to the places where the Indian Independence Movement was spread. But we must not forget that Independence is celebrated as an entire country.

Independence Day In India: Where To Celebrate

To celebrate Independence Day in India, most people like to go to the place where they have roots. Families generally go back home and enjoy a typical Indian meal and celebrate a quiet day of family reunion. People make it a day to learn about their cultures and make a day out of it.

Independence Day In India: Things To Do To Celebrate

To celebrate Independence Day, most people go to the nearest religious center. They also pray to the lord of their religion in the early morning. They also visit a nearby park and enjoy the grandeur of the surrounding trees, flowers, and exotic birds. After visiting the religious center, most people visit their relatives or relatives of close friends. Other people plan to go for an outing, participate in local sports events, or go on a picnic to nearby places. Many people also plan to give charity to the poor by donating money to the organizations that help the poor. But it is not necessary to go to any religious center to celebrate the day. Every person should go home and help his parents in the kitchen or take a walk in the park. Just spend the day with your family or friends. Independency Day is indeed an occasion to show gratitude to those who did a lot for you.

Independence Day In India: Why It Is Celebrated

Independence Day in India 2021,when, it's history, Images, Quotes, Facts and Celebration.

It is Independence Day, which is a celebration of self-reliance and independence. Independence Day in India also helps us celebrate and remember those who struggled to establish a free nation. The day is also an occasion for the happiness and pride of all Indians. Indians will always have pride and joy in their hearts. Independence Day is the day we celebrate that India is an independent nation. Independence Day is also celebrated as the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi fought for a free India and fought with hunger. He was also a staunch advocate of self-reliance and not to depend on any foreign country or depend on the rich. He focused on the independence of India rather than anything else. This is why Independence Day is celebrated as the birth day of Mahatma Gandhi. Many people celebrate his birthday as the celebration of Independence Day.

It is also a day for the importance of youth. It is also an occasion to say goodbye to those who died for our independence. The day is also an occasion to show our gratitude to the people who struggled to make Independence possible. Independence Day is an occasion for us to give a meaningful message to our youth and say, “I want you to be independent.” This is our time to educate and inform our youth of the true meaning of independence. Independence Day is a day to show respect to our elders and to remind them that we are all responsible for the prosperity and prosperity of our nation.

Independence Day In India: Important Things To Remember

We must not forget that our independence is a celebration of the sacrifices we made for our independence. We must remember the people who sacrificed their lives for our independence. Independence Day is the day to celebrate the Independence we had gained from the British empire. However, we must not forget the legacy of freedom. Freedom means giving up everything you have got. Freedom means leaving all the comforts of the world and going to a far off place. Independence Day means that we have to leave all our childish dreams behind and leave all our current worries behind.

We must also realize that the day is also an opportunity for us to strive for a new path to live our lives. We must learn and respect the need for independence. Independence is not only about our own independence. It is also a celebration of the freedom of our countrymen. It is the day when the freedom of people from the foreign countries is also allowed.

Independence Day In India: Traveling To The Places Where Independence Was Won

As Independence Day is a day of celebrating our independence, many people plan to travel to the places where independence was won. Every country celebrates their independence by organizing the grand parade, rallies and fireworks. The countries also celebrate the day with pomp and festivity. Some countries celebrate the day with such fervor that the whole world witnesses. Everyone in India is proud to be an Indian and we are proud of the freedom we got. We have always celebrated our freedom by showing great affection to our parents, relatives and friends.

You may not know it, but Independence Day is also the same day that the independence of India was achieved in 1947. This is the day, where many thousands of brave men and women sacrificed their lives. It is the day where many freedom fighters were shot and killed by the British soldiers. The day is also the same day that India got independence from the British empire. The day also marked the huge victory of India against the foreign forces.

We must not forget that there were many groups of freedom fighters in India who fought for independence. We should not forget how many Indian soldiers and officers fought for independence. They did not want to leave their parents and sisters. They fought for their country, the country of their parents and family.

In India, Independence Day is also the holiday when our leaders pay their respects to the soldiers and veterans of the independence struggle. The most important place where we must pay respect to the freedom fighters is in their place of birth. The place where their parents and grandparents were born. We should not forget to give respect to the places of the freedom fighters as they were real heroes.

Independence Day In India: Have Fun But Don’t Forget To Give The Respect

There is a place where many freedom fighters were tortured. This place is known as Fatehpur Sikri. It is also the place where the legendary King, Rana Pratap was also defeated by the British army. It is also a place where they tortured many freedom fighters who fought for independence. This is also a place where millions of people from different parts of the world were massacred.

We must not forget that this is also a place where the very freedom fighters of India were forced to move after the massacre. The very places where the freedom fighters were tortured and made to move is known as Dharm Nawaz. We must never forget to give respect to the place where freedom fighters were tortured, intimidated, humiliated and moved. We must also not forget to give respect to the places where freedom fighters were forced to move after they were tortured.

Independence Day In India: Some Interesting Facts

The Independence Day of India is also the birthday of some famous writers and writers in India. Some famous Indian writers had their birthdays on this day.

Dhilwan Mehta: He was the first English and second Indian writer. He was born on the 15th of August 1841 in India.

Bhavana Ramaswami: He was a Tamil writer and poet. He was born on 13th of August, 1893.

Hindu Mahasabha Leader Tilak On Day Of Independence

The Indian freedom fighter and poet, Mahatma Gandhi was also born on this day. Gandhi was born on 1st August 1869 in Porbandar.

Krishna Kant Ranivarana Sarsanghchalak Of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh

The current president of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Ramo Bhabha was also born on the 15th of August, 1887 in Baroda.

Independence Day in India 2021,when, it's history, Images, Quotes, Facts and Celebration.

Happy Independence Day🇮🇳


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