Good Friday | History, Images, Quotes and all you need to know.

*Meaning     Good Friday is a Christian holiday that is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday. It is the day on which Christians commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ, who is considered by them to be the Son of God. The term "good" in Good Friday may come from the phrase "God's Friday," or it may simply mean "holy." *Why is it called good Friday?        There are different theories about the origin of the term "Good Friday," but one commonly accepted explanation is that "good" means "holy" or "pious" in this context. Therefore, Good Friday is the day on which Christians remember the holy sacrifice made by Jesus Christ when he was crucified and died for the forgiveness of sins. Despite the sorrow and suffering that Jesus endured on this day, it is considered "good" because it led to the ultimate triumph of his resurrection on Easter Sunday. *History Of Good Friday.          Good Fri

Independence Day, when, it's history, quotes and importance.

Independence Day, when, it's history, quotes and importance.
Independence Day is celebrated on 15th August! 

 Independence Day in India begins much earlier than in the United States. Indians wait till 15 August to wish their independence day friends. This day of the year marks the anniversary of the realisation of India’s independence by the Indian National Congress from the British. The British had declared India’s independence on 1st January 1947 but the Congress did not let this happen as they wanted to retain control of India’s internal matters, including foreign affairs. The independence movement in India culminated with the official declaration of independence on August 15, 1947, at midnight by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and President Sir A.K.Gohan. Independence Day became an official holiday in India since 1950.

On India’s Independence Day, many people across the nation celebrate their success and freedom from colonialism and any kind of rule. People get up early and celebrate Independence Day with religious songs, prayers and patriotic songs. Indians also celebrate their independence by going out on a picnic and watching the impressive firework display put up across the nation. People also enjoy dancing on independence day and express themselves in colourful and vibrant attire.

The Independence day festivities start with people visiting their family members or friends. Friends will invite their friends and relatives to attend the celebrations. In some parts of India, firecrackers start to explode at 3 a.m.

Independence Day celebration goes on through the day. However, most of the celebration of Independence Day is happening on the evening of 14th, 15th or 16th of August.

The biggest celebration takes place on 15th. People go out on a picnic and have a good time. However, many people watch the fireworks and celebrate at their homes by watching the patriotic songs.

The celebration of Independence Day in India is a vibrant one. People leave the celebrations and go out for food, meeting and shopping.

Independence Day is celebrated in all the states and the union territories of India.

The flag of India is raised at all the government and government offices, states, union territories, parliament buildings and all important public and religious buildings.

Some people light up the national flag in front of their homes.

People enjoy fireworks and celebrate in front of their homes.

Every year, the President of India presents the National Flag to the Chief Minister of the state or union territory on 15th August.

An Indian flag is hoisted on important government buildings.

Bollywood movies also release on 15th, to celebrate independence and patriotism.

Independence Day in India starts early, starting from midnight.

Independence day is a big event for Indians. However, it does not always end peacefully. People do not celebrate Independence Day by standing on the roads with red and white flags. The Indian government and media take action against those who do so. Some people even celebrate their Independence Day by dancing on the streets, blowing whistles and setting off firecrackers.

There are many celebrations in India for Independence Day, particularly in the southern states. In particular, people in Tamil Nadu celebrate their Independence Day, called the Tamil Nadu Independence Day. On this day, people celebrate in their homes and go out to celebrate in the evening. Firecrackers are set off throughout the day and the night. People then dance and sing patriotic songs in the streets and show the dance moves.

The celebration of Independence Day is a tradition which has been upheld for hundreds of years. Independence Day is a celebration that has a long history and continues to grow.

On India’s Independence Day, most people go out for a picnic.

Children celebrate Independence Day by dancing in front of their schools.

Independence Day celebrations are often accompanied by a few fireworks.

Independence Day is celebrated by millions of Indians, with celebrations taking place on the day.

Independence day celebrations go on till late night.

Independence Day celebrations start with people visiting their families and friends.

Independence Day celebrations end with people going out for food, buying new clothes and performing rituals.

Independence day celebrations go on in India, over a period of four days, from the day, 14th of August.

The day celebrations include a traditional flag-raising ceremony.

Independence day celebrations take place mainly in the northern states of India.

The flag of India is raised on 14th of August, on all the government buildings and prominent places like state and national parliament buildings.

On the occasion of the Independence Day, many people visit their relatives or friends and celebrate the day.

Some people go to temples and religious places.

Independence day celebrations in India usually begin on 15th August.

Independence Day Quotes – Some Independence Day quotes that are going to inspire you.

“With freedom comes responsibility”

“The reason I celebrate the day, is not because I’m proud to be an Indian, but I’m proud of the people in India. I have immense pride in every Indian who has made his own way, regardless of religion or background. In India, it’s okay for people to take their own decisions”

“My independence has come with a message from my countrymen. I’m not the perfect person. But there are millions of people who are. So let’s fight together to make our lives meaningful”

“God gave me freedom when he gave me independence”

Independence Day history

Independence Day is celebrated on 15th August annually by the Indian government. Independence Day commemorates the date, when the British relinquished the political power in India to the Indian people.

Independence Day in India is the celebration of the independence of the country.

When the British withdrew from India, they left with the responsibility of ensuring the progress of the country and maintaining independence. Independence Day became a symbol of national pride and celebration.

Independence day is celebrated in India, on every year. However, the date and location of the celebrations change every year, based on the country’s political situation.

On 15th August, 1990, Independence Day was celebrated for the first time in India. India celebrated Independence Day in Delhi in 1990. Since Independence Day is a national holiday, people usually visit their families.

On 15th August, 2003, a new and significant aspect of the celebration occurred. A feeling of separateness in our society caused people to boycott the day, demanding independence for the states that are currently not under the control of any one political party. The protests were so violent, that the government decided to cancel all government celebrations.

Independence Day Importance in India

The Independence Day is celebrated annually.

The celebration of Independence Day is not associated with any political party.

Each Indian celebrates Independence Day as an individual.

The Independence Day is celebrated by political parties and followers.

The people celebrate Independence Day in a way that suits their style of life.

Independence Day Importance in India

The celebration of Independence Day is not associated with any political party.

Political parties celebrate Independence Day in a way that suits their style of life.

Independence Day is celebrated by political parties and followers.

The people celebrate Independence Day in a way that suits their style of life.

On Independence Day, people are bound to observe the one national holiday as one of the independence days.

People celebrate Independence Day as a symbol of freedom.

The day marks a significant day in the history of India.


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