Good Friday | History, Images, Quotes and all you need to know.

*Meaning     Good Friday is a Christian holiday that is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday. It is the day on which Christians commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ, who is considered by them to be the Son of God. The term "good" in Good Friday may come from the phrase "God's Friday," or it may simply mean "holy." *Why is it called good Friday?        There are different theories about the origin of the term "Good Friday," but one commonly accepted explanation is that "good" means "holy" or "pious" in this context. Therefore, Good Friday is the day on which Christians remember the holy sacrifice made by Jesus Christ when he was crucified and died for the forgiveness of sins. Despite the sorrow and suffering that Jesus endured on this day, it is considered "good" because it led to the ultimate triumph of his resurrection on Easter Sunday. *History Of Good Friday.          Good Fri

Muharram 2021 date , history, significance, and quotes.

As for Muharram, it is considered the month of patience, but here too there is an excess of patience. Many Muslims are constantly seeking inner satisfaction, but they often forget that patience cannot be gained by seeking satisfaction. In other words, prayer does not do anything other than fulfill the physical demand, while patience cannot do anything other than answer the questions that cannot be asked.

Muharram 2021 date , history, significance, and quotes.

Muharram 2021 is on 19th August in India

The idol of patience is known as Nahuma in Islam. (Nahuma means restraining and restraining oneself) So patience is the way to external relief and the object of inner satisfaction. Muharram is also the passage of the year in which the Prophet made peace with God, after many years of fighting. He entered into the cave of Hira and forgave all of the sins of the ancestors, including his son, Hussein, and his grandson Hussein’s father. He forgave every person who sought revenge for that person or for his relatives. The fast of Muharram reminds us to continue praying for our souls and for the forgiveness of all the sins.

The month of Muharram begins when we are in the best conditions of our lives. We are free from the sins that have been removed from us in the last days, when the Holy Qur’an was revealed. Muharram reminds us to help people to keep their faith and their religion. Many Muharram prayers are answered by God in those days. The sacrifice of Muhammad was truly answered by God, and now it can also be answered by prayers for mercy and forgiveness.

Muharram History

Muharram began on the thirteenth day of the first month of the Islamic calendar. According to Muslim historians, there were four Muharram, because on the twelfth day there was the commemoration of the day of Ashurah. On that day, an arrow was shot at the ruler of Yazadah. God’s anger was called forth in that case, so a person could ask God for forgiveness, by saying: “May Allah forgive us for our sins, and forgive us our brothers.”

The Muharram is from the first day to the tenth day. The tenth day is known as Arba’een. On that day, two people are saved from hell and two are saved from Allah’s wrath.

In a Islamic country there are some who try to prevent people from entering the cemetery. The graves of Muslims should be left alone. A Christian cemetery has a prayer in it, for those who died on behalf of the Christian religion. In a Muslim cemetery, the prayers are not there, but the graves are left, because a person who dies on the twenty-fifth of Ramadan is a saint.

Throughout the days of Muharram, mosques and some prayer rooms are also closed. At that time, if you are not engaged in prayer, you should not go to a prayer room or to a mosque, because you may be tempted by Satan to do evil. If Satan finds you in prayer, he will show you that you can do much more good if you remain praying.

On Muharram, the graves of the saints, who have died while helping Islam, are covered in fine linen, with gold or silver on them. They are taken in procession from the mosque to a cemetery, where the believers are to offer supplication, while praying for their souls. In the same way, Muslims should also offer prayers for the souls of the faithful, so that they may receive mercy and they may be released from the punishment that is due to them.

What does Muharram Mean?

We may think that Muharram means the remembrance of Muharram, but it has nothing to do with the destruction of the Khaybar village. Muharram is a commemoration of a day in which a person prayed for forgiveness.

The prophet Muhammad fasted and prayed for the forgiveness of his wife’s family for a long time. Muharram has nothing to do with that day, except that it reminds us that if we do wrong, we should pray for forgiveness and repent.

A person should also be honest when he is taking a loan. Muharram is a moment when we should go from being an honest man to being honest and faithful to Allah. We should be honest when we are selling things, making a loan, and so on.

On Muharram, if we have money, and we are asked to give a gift to people, it is permissible for us to refuse to do that, because it may bring a bad effect on us. If we give that gift, it may be to a person who has deceived us in some way or is selfish. We should keep our eye on how that person will benefit from the gift.

We should not use money and oil on that day. We should instead use the money for prayer and for charity. This has nothing to do with the fact that the oil on our faces is irritating. The smell of oil on the face is like perfume. There are times when we can use that, but on that day, we are asked to pray for our hearts and for God to protect us from evil.

On Muharram, we should take the shoes off when going into a mosque, because there will be people who will pray, who may also break the glasses. That is not because the broken glasses are sinful, but because the hearts are. It is not a sin if a person breaks the glasses of a mosque or a house, because it is in accordance with Islamic law. If it was a sin, it would have been prohibited, because it brings bad luck.

If we see a person break a mirror or other things, we should offer him forgiveness, saying: “May God forgive you for breaking those things.”

What Do People Do On Muharram?

In a Muslim country, there are also people who stand up on the muharram. If this happens, we should not make fun of them. In some areas, there are people who act like the demons of hell, like a little girl jumping up and down. We should not do that, because it has nothing to do with Islam. They should not put their feet on the ground, but instead sit down on a cushion. They should offer supplication. The Muslim calls them hypocrites.

We also see people who pray loudly, and we should not make fun of them. On this occasion, people should not go to a prayer room or to a mosque. They should pray in a place where people are not able to see them, such as the top of a hill, a mountain or someplace that is surrounded by mountains. That is where people should pray, because if Satan finds you in a prayer room or in a mosque, he will show you that you can do much more good if you remain praying.

What About A Muharram Ceremony For Children?

The Koran does not allow us to treat a child badly on that day.

If there is a time when we know that there are certain little children in our neighborhood, who are sick, we may pray that Allah may keep them safe, that they may be healthy, and they may receive mercy and Allah may give them what they need. We may pray that Allah may keep them away from the evils of this world.

We should remember that the person who comes to our door is not an adult or a grown up. He or she is a person who comes to beg us. There are also people who come to offer us money. In this case, we have to keep our mind clear, and we have to know who is the person at the door. We also have to know whether they are serious or not. They could also be trying to play tricks on us, so we have to be clear with our mind.

On Muharram, if the person says that he is injured, we should go to him and say: “May God protect you.”

This applies to someone who may come to ask us to give him some money to make his life better. A lot of people ask us for money, and they take us by surprise. When we receive them, they cannot talk. If they did, then we should ask them to pray for us. When they pray for us, then it is permissible for us to ask them to pray for us.

Muharram quotes

Narrated Ibn `Abbas: The Prophet said: There is no doubt about fasting for forty days, if one asks Allah to forgive him on that day and after that comes in forgiveness from Allah.

If there is someone who goes up a mountain on Muharram, one of the miracles of Allah is that if that person goes up the mountain on that day, it will be divided, and half of it will be covered in clouds and the other half will not be covered. If he gets down, the other half will cover the mountain.

Also we should remember that on that day, we are all supposed to go out for prayer, we are all supposed to come in prayer and we are all supposed to pray.

That is why we say: If anyone comes on that day, tell him to pray.

If someone has a medicine for making his heart be friendly to God, he should take that medicine. If he does not have that medicine, he should pray with it. In that case, if he does not pray, his prayer will be in vain. That is one of the miracles.

When a person comes to pray on that day, he should pray at his door. He should be proud of his prayer, and when he prays, he should sit down on a cushion and pray like that. That is how we pray, with a cushion, with supplication.

If someone is sitting in a prayer room, and if one of the people does not pray, he should make fun of that person. If he does not pray, he should say: “What do you mean? This is the holy month. You should be praying on this day.”

One should not have patience on that day.

Muharram is a religious festival, and it is an occasion for prayers, supplication and forgiveness. We should keep our mind clear. There is no doubt about that. If someone is angry, we should not make fun of them. When one of us prays on this occasion, he should remember that God is hearing his prayer. He should also remember that Allah has said: If you are ever in a situation when you see a person who is full of anger or hatred, then you should make him a servant, and if you make him a servant, he will be a servant for you. That is a holy scripture.

If someone is asking for a job and when we give him a job, we make him pray for forgiveness, and then we give him another job, then it would be necessary for us to remember that he needs to pray for forgiveness, and then when he prays, he will have another job. If we are not good, then he will not get a job and it will be necessary for us to pray for him.

If someone comes to beg, he should say: May God protect you, please pray for me.


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